Comment Préparer Savoureux Pain de mie

Recettes de divers aliments faciles, addictifs, rapides et de très bon goût

Pain de mie. This pain de mie is sublime when heavily toasted and topped with a good margin of butter. This style of bread is sometimes called a "Pullman Loaf," or simply just "sandwich bread," but they all have the same undeniable characteristics: a soft and minimal crust, a slightly sweet flavor, warmth and depth from just enough butter in the dough, and an ethereally light interior. Pain de mie is a fine-textured, moist bread baked in a special lidded pan.

Pain de mie Pain de mie is a type of soft, white or brown bread, mostly sold sliced and packaged. "Pain" in French means "bread", and "la mie" refers to the soft part of bread, called the crumb. In English, pain de mie is most similar to pullman loaf or regular sandwich bread. Pain de mie usually has sugar in it, which makes it sweeter than most French breads. Vous pouvez cuisiner Pain de mie using 6 ingrédients et 8 pas. Voici comment cuisiner ça.

Ingrédients de Pain de mie

  1. Vous avez besoin 100 g de farine de riz.
  2. C'est 1.5 g de levure sèche.
  3. C'est 2.3 g de sel.
  4. C'est 5 g de huile de riz.
  5. Préparez 40 g de Amazaké*.
  6. Préparez 65 g de eau.

This bread is usually used for making. The name Pain de Mie comes from the French word pain, which means bread, and la mie a term that refers to the soft part of the bread, or the crumb. This is because Pain de Mie is different from other French breads; its crumb is finer, as compared to the coarser crumbs found in alternatives like baguettes. This recipe comes from King Arthur.

Pain de mie étape par étape

  1. Verser tous les ingrédients ensemble, terminez par l'huile de riz, puis l'Amazaké chauffé (tiède)..
  2. Mélanger pendant 5 minutes à basse vitesse**..
  3. Mélanger pendant 3 minutes à haute vitesse..
  4. A la fin du pétrissage, la température de la pâte doit être de 23°C..
  5. Laisser fermenter..
  6. Laisser en 27°C 60 minutes..
  7. Cuire au four à 200°C pendant 40 minutes..
  8. Bon Appétit !.

I made minor changes to reflect more generic ingredients. The lid ensures that the baking bread won't expand too much, keeping it very close-grained-and thus totally non-crumbly, and easy to slice. So, pain de mie loosely translated means a loaf of bread with no crust — and that's pretty much what it is! You'll need a pain de mie pan (usually called a pullman loaf pan). This is a sturdy bread pan that is a little thinner and longer than normal and has a top that slides on.