Le moyen le plus simple de Cuire Savoureuses Pets de none

Recettes de divers aliments faciles, addictifs, rapides et de très bon goût

Pets de none. The similarly-named French-Canadian dessert pets de sœurs (literally "farts of [religious] sisters") is sometimes confused with this dessert, but actually is a completely different pastry. The lightness of deep fried beignets is said to have inspired the French name pets de nonne (literally "nun's farts"). France: Pets de Soeur / Pets de Nonne (Nun's Farts) The proper name for these little fried pastries or fritters is beignets soufflès.

Pets de none Further reading This pets de nonne, or nun's farts, recipe is a classic dessert in France. A light-as-air choux puff is deep fried and then served warm, dusted with confectioners' sugar. Karlyn passed this great recipe to me. Vous pouvez avoir Pets de none using 8 ingrédients et 4 pas. Voici comment cuisiner que.

Ingrédients de Pets de none

  1. Préparez 80 gr de beurre.
  2. C'est 20 cl de d eau.
  3. C'est 1 de sachet de sucre vanillé.
  4. Vous avez besoin 1 de pincée de sel.
  5. Préparez 125 gr de farine.
  6. Préparez 4 de œufs.
  7. C'est de Du sucre glace.
  8. C'est de De l huile de friture.

In France, Pets de Nonnes ("nuns' farts") these are small deep-fried fritters, or doughnuts if you wish. They are made from choux pastry that has been made with milk instead of water. Small pieces of the dough is fried, drained, and sprinkled with icing sugar. Remove the pot from the heat and add the flour all at once, stirring with a wooden spoon until the batter all comes together and pulls away from the sides of the pot in a mass.

Pets de none étape par étape

  1. Mettre dans une casserole eau sel sucre et beurre. Porter à ébullition.
  2. Hors de feu ajouter la farine.
  3. Faire dessécher et ajouter un a un les œufs.
  4. Cuire la pâte dans une huile à 180.

In Quebec "les pets de soeurs" are popular traditional desserts season round. These pastries are not to be confused with "les pets de nonne" (also called "beignets soufflés") which also means "nun's farts" that are more like doughnuts. With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for pets-de-nonne and thousands of other words. When the butter has completely melted, remove the pan from the heat. The official Collins French-English Dictionary online.