Cookies. Cookies are small text files that the browser uses to record data from sites that you've visited. Cookie files allow sites to remember your visits, so that you don't have to, for example, enter in your login and. Simple yet powerful Cookie Editor that allow you to quickly create, edit and delete cookies without leaving your tab.
I like to control which cookies are being set on my browser, but the alerts are rather annoying - is there anyway that I can stop them?
Vous pouvez avoir Cookies using 3 ingrédients et 2 pas. Voici comment cuisiner ça.
Ingrédients de Cookies
- Préparez 100 g de flocon d'avoine.
- Vous avez besoin 1 de banane.
- Vous avez besoin de Chocolat.
Cookies étape par étape
- Mélange de tout les ingrédients puis les mettre sous forme de petites boulettes.
- Mettre au four préchauffé pendant 15 minutes à 180°C.