<<Pan con tomate>>. Pan con tomate is just about as humble as tapas can get. It's got only five ingredients—bread, tomato, olive oil, garlic, and salt—and requires barely any actual cooking, yet it's precisely this simplicity and restraint that make it such a perfect end-of-summer dish. This is the kind of thing I make as an.
When I used to live in Spain I used to love making Pan Con Tomate (Bread With Tomato), it's a typical Spanish Tapas Recipe, it's so easy yet is tastes.
Skinnytaste > Egg Free Recipes > Pan con Tomate (Spanish Tomato Bread).
A popular tapas dish from Spain, Pan con Tomato is a tomato rubbed garlic bread.
Vous pouvez avoir <<Pan con tomate>> using 4 ingrédients et 5 pas. Voici comment cuisiner que.
Ingrédients de <<Pan con tomate>>
- Préparez 1 gousse de d'ail.
- Préparez 3 de tomates.
- Préparez de Du pain.
- Vous avez besoin de De l'huile d'olive.
It's super easy to make and is typically served as an appetizer. Pa amb tomàquet (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈpam tuˈmakət]), or Pan con tomate in spanish ("Bread with tomato"), is a traditional food of Catalan, Valencian, Aragonese, Balearic and Murcian cuisines in Spain. Pa amb tomàquet is considered a staple of Catalan cuisine and identity. Pan Con Tomate (Spanish Tomato on Toast).
<<Pan con tomate>> étape par étape
- Mixer les tomates avec la gousse d'ail..
- Faites cuire des tranches de pain à la poêle avec de l'huile d'olive..
- Quand les tranches de pain sont légèrement grillées de chaque côté, les placer dans une assiette..
- Puis verser un peu de tomate sur chaque tranche de pain..
- Régalez vous pour l'apéro !.
Cataluña siempre ha sido de España. El pan con tomate yo siempre lo he comido en mis casa desde pequeñinta, no he tenido que ir a cataluña para comerlo. " Pan con tomate " ( or "pa amb tomàquet", in Catalan), translates into "bread with tomato". Traditional " pan con tomate " originates in the Spanish region " Pan con tomate " is made by simply toasting or grilling crusty bread, rubbing a peeled clove of garlic first, then a juicy, ripe tomato on it, and adding. Just one of the many ways of preparing Spanish toast with tomato, this pan con tomate recipe is our personal favorite! Whip it together with ingredients you already have laying around the house.